Custom Foot Orthotics

As a leading foot specialist in Vancouver, BC, Dr. Stern takes a personable approach that empowers his patients with information. Along with listening and answering questions, he clearly communicates options to develop the ideal treatment plan with each patient. Throughout his time in practice, Dr. Stern has worked with countless satisfied patients with both non-surgical and surgical treatment options.

Many painful foot conditions can be traced back to how your feet are structured or the way your joints move when you walk. Arch supports, removable shoe insoles, and custom orthotics are tools that a podiatrist may use to provide additional cushioning, support, or biomechanical correction.

If you are suffering from foot pain, there’s a good chance that one of these devices could help. However, only an experienced professional can help you determine which type of insert would be best.

What Are Removable Shoe Inserts?

Removable inserts are non-prescription orthotics that you can buy at a retail store or pharmacy. They are designed to help you alleviate general aches and pains you might experience in your everyday life. Prominent examples include:

  • Insoles—these cover the full length of the foot and tend to be made from soft materials like gel or foam. They are meant to provide extra cushioning and shock absorption while you walk.

  • Arch supports—these help support the natural shape of your arch in order to distribute your weight more evenly. They have a noticeable raised portion on the inside.

  • Heel cups—these provide extra padding and cushioning under the heel.

Because they are mass-produced and not prescribed or customized for a specific individual, over-the-counter shoe inserts may not be sufficient for all types of foot pain. Dr. Stern can help you determine whether your condition can be treated with non-prescription inserts or require custom orthotics.

What Are Custom Orthotics?

Custom orthotics are prescribed by a licensed foot specialist to provide a personalized fit. Your feet are carefully measured using a 3D laser scan or plaster mold to fabricate your orthotics according to your exact specifications.

Because the fit is precise, custom orthotics can alleviate heel pain to a higher degree than over-the-counter inserts in most cases. They can also treat a broader range of foot and ankle conditions, including flaws in how you walk.

Custom orthotics are classified as either accommodative or functional:

  • Accommodative orthotics are designed to reduce the pain and pressure from an underlying foot problem. They are generally made from soft materials, which provide padding and cushioning.

  • Functional orthotics are designed to correct a problem with the way your feet, ankles, and joints move when you walk. Their goal is to help your feet function properly. They usually have a soft top cover but the functional portion of the device is made from corrective grade plastic, composite, or cork materials with different flexes depending on what Dr. Stern is treating.

Custom orthotics are more expensive upfront than prefabricated insoles or arch supports. However, this may be offset by several factors. Custom orthotics are built from higher quality materials and can often be adjusted or refurbished. So rather than being replaced, they may last several years. They are also commonly covered by extended health benefits.

What Conditions Do Orthotics Treat?

Medical conditions that orthotics can be prescribed for include:

  • Arthritis

  • Flat feet

  • Hammertoes

  • Heel spurs

  • Bunions

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Metatarsalgia

  • Neuroma

  • High arches

  • Ankle

  • Shin splints

  • ITB

  • Knee pain

  • Hip pain

  • Low back-SI

  • Overuse

If you are curious about getting custom orthotics, check with Dr. Stern to see if they’re right for you. He will ask questions about your symptoms, look for any deformities, and check to see how your feet perform while walking and during certain activities.

Which Device Is Best for You?

Many over-the-counter orthotics claim a “custom” fit. Stores may even have pressure-measuring devices or other tools designed to help you find the right fit. However, we advise against self-diagnosing.

Instead, seek treatment from a podiatrist with a track record of helping patients live happier, healthier, and more active lives.

Dr. Joseph Stern is a foot and ankle specialist with over 30 years of experience and offers a broad range of advanced orthopedic and non-surgical treatment options.

Working out of their Vancouver office, our doctor and his team offer the highest level of care to address your concerns and help you return to your daily activities. I also have satellite locations-should we mention that?

Schedule an appointment today if you’re ready to better understand your treatment options.

Dr. Joseph R Stern

Dr. Stern is a SportMedBC board member and has been an active part of the Vancouver podiatric medicine community for more than 20 years. He is the immediate past president of the Canadian Podiatric Medical Association and one of the assigned podiatrist of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. 


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